Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mad Libs & Good 'Ol Hockey

After being buried in laundry all week (as well as runny poo diapers and the vigilent stomach flu) it was quite a nice surprise to see that I'd won the Mad Libs contest over at Dooneybug Days. I don't have an acceptance speech or anything! LOL. You can check it out here.

J and I got to go to a hockey game last night, too. The first one we went to this season ended abruptly when we couldn't get through to my mom who was watching K. Turns out a button was hit that kept my phone from receiving calls and that was why we couldn't get through.
Anyway, J and I enjoyed a full hockey game for the first time in over a year. It was so nice, I can't really put it into words. It was like our first date night since K was born. Sure, we've been out to the movies a couple times alone, but this time we got to eat (french fries, funnel cake and ice cream) and just sit back and watch our team win.

I'm watching Heros as I type this and now it's getting really good. Getting really good?! What the hell and I saying? The entire series is good.
I'll post more later.

Thanks again, DD, for the Mad Libs nod!