Sunday, December 24, 2006


I read this meme on No Period Baby and thought I'd make the same list. Not that I really want to re-live this year. There have been bright spots, but overall 2006 sucked the big one.

January: I'm finally starting to look pregnant now, instead of "fluffy" or "thick" LOL.

February: I was thinking the other day that we're in the single digits as far as weeks left in my pregnancy.

March: Since baby has been getting larger, J and I have been playing name that body part - whether it's a heel, foot, butt, head - you name it we've been trying to guess it.

April: It's really starting to sink in that by this time next week, Baby H should be here

May: He arrived last Tuesday (4/25/06) at 3:09 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long.

June: I feel like everything that was stable around me and my family is now dissolving.

July: There's so much that I didn't anticipate in regards to having a baby/being a parent.

August: I am so not focused on getting any work done. I keep looking at pictures of K on my desk and would really love to be home with him.

September: Teaching a 5 month old how to eat from a spoon requires more zen patience than I could muster from my pinky toe.

October: by watching our son fall off the bed and land on his head. Not the side, not the back - ON TOP OF HIS HEAD.

November: I'm not sure that I have it in me to re-hash all of yesterday's events. I have to though in order to get the monkey off my back and attempt to move on.

December: After being buried in laundry all week (as well as runny poo diapers and the vigilent stomach flu) it was quite a nice surprise to see that I'd won the Mad Libs contest over at Dooneybug Days.


Nico said...

It is an interesting way to sum up the year, isn't it? I hope that the hard times you guys had this year are all behind you, and the upcoming year is filled with nothing but fun with K!

S said...

Thanks, Nico. Same to you. : )
Ant looks like he is growing fast.